Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer Fun!

Here are some pics of the boys' summer fun this summer so far! We are hoping to get in some more fun before school starts this year. We will see what our funds allow us to do!

Jason loves his Wii. This is actually a picture of
him holding a Wii tin. It had gum in it.
Grayson playing at Grandpop's house.

Grayson in a "cage" at Chuck E. Cheese. Those of you
who know Grayson, know how funny this pic is!

Jason was so excited to see Chuck E Cheese.

Grayson relaxing on the pool. Unfortunately this pool broke.
I am going to try to fix it. The ring around the top has a big hole in it.

Jason likes to go under the water.

The boys love their pool!

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Looks like some great summer fun. Glad you enjoyed it summer will be over before you know it.