Monday, August 25, 2008

My baby was off to Kindergarten today!

Today was Jason's first day of Kindergarten! He was so excited to get on the bus this morning. He seemed to have a lot of fun at school! He wrote his name, drew a picture and colored another picture.

Jason before school. I made the sign so I can
remember the date when he goes to college!
Grayson wanted to be like his big brother
and wait for the bus with his bookbag.

The bus was running late, so they decided to sit
and relax while waiting.

Jason standing in front of the bus.

Jason getting on the bus.

Grayson and Mommy waiting for
the bus to bring Jason home.
I missed the picture of him getting off the bus. My camera was on the wrong setting. Chris got one on his phone though. He is excited about going back tomorrow!

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Awww sounds like he had a good day at school. Love all the pictures!