Thursday was Jason's last day of swimming lessons and by the end of the class he was swimming on his own (for a very short distance). The parents were allowed to watch all of the last class, but I decided not to watch the whole thing because Jason gets distracted by trying to smile and wave at me.

They really did a lot of swimming. I was quite impressed with how many times the kids had to swim the length of the pool. They swam with their backpack floaties and noodles, then without the noodle and then they were swimming with a kick board. Jason is quite fast using the kick board. He kept passing all the other kids in the water.
I have considered signing Jason up for the last session of the summer because I believe he would be in a higher group and learn some more swimming techniques, but he says he doesn't want to do it again yet. I might sign him up anyway!
I really liked this swimming class because they really worked with each of the kids individual needs. At the conclusion of the two week session the kids get a progress report also. I have really seen progress in Jason's swimming ability. On Friday we went to a friend's house to play in the pool and Jason lost his floaty at one point. He was able to swim to the side of the pool by himself, even being in somewhat of a panicked state, he knew what to do. It was really amazing to watch him.
He is doing great!
I'm with you on this swim program... it is excellent! I am really glad we did it. Both Gwen and Jason made such huge improvements in only 2 weeks.
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