That evening my sisters and my mom came down to our house for cake and ice cream. We also had Conner's family join us! Its like Jason had a mini party that night! Not that my kids are ever deprived but we really try to make them feel special on their birthday!
Jason blowing out the candles on his 2 cakes.
(Hey, I said we make them feel special!)
Then Saturday was his BIG party. Star Wars themed, of course. Jason wanted all of his friends to dress up as Star Wars characters. I wish I had been able to take a picture of all of them before they took their costumes off but I was so busy that just didn't happen.
Here is a picture of Jason's cake.
Oh, did I mention that the kids found the water guns?
(explains why Conner has no shirt!)
He had such a fun day. Fortunately the weather held out and we could all stay outside. It started raining later that evening just as I was finishing the cleanup!
Chris reading a card to Jason as he opens a present