Sunday, June 21, 2009


I just found out that my cousin, Bob, passed away this morning. He had been battling stage 4 lung cancer for a little while now and succumb to his illness sometime this morning. I haven't seen him or talked to him in a very long time. I am not even sure I would have known who he was if he knocked on my door. Yet, at this time I am very sad for the loss of a family member I barely knew. I am also very sad for his family. For his father to lose a son on Father's Day and his children to lose their father on this day is a terrible ordeal and I can't express my sympathies enough. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers today.
Rest in Peace Robert Yetter.

Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Been a While

Yes, I know its been a while!

I will just post some quick photos and captions of what has been going on in our lives since March.

At the end of March we purchased a playset for the backyard. It took a few hours to prep and sort the wood and then a 14hr day to put it all together. My Uncle Reno, my dad and Chris did most of the work with a few hours of help from Chris' brother Ed. The kids absolutely love it!

Chris and the boys with their Tie Fighter Easter Egg. My mom and my sisters on Easter at our annual family Easter reunion.

In April Jason began playing T-Ball (and soccer). He likes it but has a lot of practicing to do. He practices with his team every Thursday and has a game every Saturday. Soccer practices are every Tuesday with games every Saturday. That means a busy week for all of us!

Playing goalie. Nobody scored on him in this game!

Also in April, Grayson's preschool had a week of dinosaur days. They did a lot of dinosaur projects and even went on a dinosaur hunt (with official dinosaur hunting licenses). They went to the sand box and dug for dinosaur eggs. Grayson was excited to find and orange one. There was a tiny baby dinosaur in each egg for the kids to keep.

There costumes for Jason's Star Wars birthday party!

At the beginning of May Chris and I traveled to the Coatesville VA hospital for a dedication ceremony in honor of his mother. She was the Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Staff at the hospital. There was a tree planted in her honor and the plaque is hanging in the chapel. It was a very nice ceremony and a great way to preserve her memory.

This is all I have time to put up right now. I will post more soon. I still have the photos from Jason's birthday and party on the camera. There will be lots to show this summer too so I am going to try my best to find the time to keep it updated!