So, I woke up at 7am on Wed, went to bed at 8am on Thursday. Then was back up at 10am, went to the Dr., then to get X-rays, then for lunch, and then to the dentist to have a tooth filled. I always have trouble with the Novocaine, so they have to give me extra. Part of my cheek is still numb (I was done at the dentist at by 1:30pm and its now 9:30pm.) I got home a little after 2pm. Meanwhile in the morning Chris took Jason to his new school to visit his new classroom because today was an open house.
After I got home we played a little Wii Fit. The kids like to watch me try to go skiing and Jason likes the running games.

Then at about 3:15, Grayson decides that he wants to go in the pool. So, I trek outside and put him in the pool. While I am hooking the filter up to the pool, Jason's new soccer coach calls and says that they are having their first practice today at 6pm (it was 4pm when he called.) He tells me that Jason should have cleats, shin guards, socks and a soccer ball for practice. So, Chris calls his friend Mark, who owns a sports shop and then puts Jason in the car and goes to Mark's store. He got a great pair of cleats, socks, and shin guards but no ball. Off to Wal-Mart tomorrow! Then at 7pm there was Kindergarten orientation for the parents, so I trekked off the the elementary school to meet his teacher.
Soccer practice apparently went very well. Here are a few pics of Jason's fun.
Jason kicking the ball.

Jason throwing the ball with his 3 coaches.
Jason playing "crazy ball" with his teammates.